Manifesto market

Get Ready To Organize
The Event of Your Dreams

Our team of party experts will work with you to craft the perfect Manifesto experience for your group. We bring your vision to life with attention to detail and creative flair. Your event is in good hands.

Company Events. No hassle, only fun.
That grand company party that makes you feel part of the team and creates lasting memories with your colleagues and/or partners.

Birthdays. For children and adults alike. Our party planners will help you host a large birthday celebration in style.

Social Events. For friends, for families, for whenever you feel like celebrating. These parties are for everyone.

Season Parties. From Spring celebrations to Christmas wonder, our venue dresses for the occasion and it is ready to greet your group with all the spirit of the season.
Get Ready To Organize <br>The Event of Your Dreams

Prague Gets a Reset and the Emphasis is Local.

The New York Times

This place makes Prague a bit more welcoming, cozy and flavorsome.


Manifesto concentrates on sustainability and renowned chefs.


Nobody has done what Manifesto has done. It’s disruptive and it’s amazing.

Isaac Starobin, owner of Dirty Dog BBQ

The success of one is the success of the other. I find this business model very clever.

Juan Cruz Pacin, owner of DameDos
eat drink shop
eat drink shop

What's the media saying

With its ability to help transform urban areas, Manifesto's model looks likely to be welcomed by many cities in future

Not Easy to Open a Restaurant. Make It Easier.

With Manifesto you can reach new customers, reduce costs with flexible leases, and produce higher margins.

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Ostrovského 34 15000 Prague