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Beer Bar

Beer bar

Pilsner Urquell and Vinohradský pivovar join forces to serve the perfect beer for you to enjoy at Manifesto Market.

The best beer at Manifesto Market

Vinohradský pivovar has been "the beer" of Manifesto since the very beginning. Pilsner Urquell has four copper tanks at the main bar for tank beer. None of the beers are treated with filtration or pasteurization in order to preserve freshness and taste.
Beer Bar

Very good craft beer. I'm not a beer lover but it was worth to get a taste of the local beer culture!

Ervin Dobri

Best beer ever. This beer is a kind of masterpiece because it's capable to give you emotions as well as a song or a movie. For me it is like eating authentic neapolitan pizza.

Pierco Varus
Beer Bar

No plastic cups. The beer is tapped into glass, enhancing the taste and freshness, and keeping its temperature longer. A brand new draft, exclusively created for Manifesto, is also available all year long. Strategically close to all the food options at the market.

Make a Reservation You'll Never Forget

Manifesto is an experience worth planning ahead. Guarantee your seating and receive a special greeting from our site managers.
Beer Bar


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